– Malaysia: Malaysia pun, tahun 2009 sudah gencar memasarkan produk IPT dengan menembak pasar Timur Tengah, Afrika Barat, dan bahkan Indonesia. Termasuk produk makanan.

Bagi para peneliti yang ingin menerbitkan naskah dalam jurnal internasional bereputasi, Profesor Djauhari menyarankan agar memperhatikan 9 poin penting, antara lain:

  1. Is this manuscript an original contribution?
  2. Does the title of this paper clearly reflect its contents?
  3. Is the abstract sufficiently informative?
  4. Is the presentation and organization satisfactory?
  5. Are the methods used adequate and appropriate to yield accurate and reliable data?
  6. Are there any errors of facts, interpretation or calculation?
  7. Should any parts be condensed or omitted?
  8. Is the interpretation and conclusion sound and justified by the data?
  9. Does the manuscript adhere to the ethical standards of research and publication? (rfa)
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Sumber: Webinar

Editor: Ririn Fitri Astuti

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